On Wed, 18 Oct 1995, Pebbles wrote:

> Does anyone have any suggestions on good grad schools for museum
> studies.  Also, any university with a museum with medieval items would be
> even better!

I would suggest that you look into the museum studies master's program at
the George Washington University, Washington, DC.  Although I am a little
biased, it does have a good reputation and the opportunity for
internships at numerous museums in the DC area is tremendous.  Surely one
has medieval items.

However, prepare your self for the cost of living in the DC area and the
high cost of tuition at GWU!

Good luck!!

     There is also the problem of the GWU Administration, who are "user
     unfriendly" (they sometimes forget who their customers are), but the
     program is very good, and Marie Malaro, who runs it, is a great