I am posting this question for an undergraduate student here at Babson
College.  Perhaps those of you involved with the design and installation
of art exhibitions could recommend applicable literature or provide your
own input.  I am not absolutely certain what the student is asking so I
hope that I am phrasing her question accurately.  I believe that what she
is after is the history and philosophy of art installations in both
museums and domestic settings.

The student is studying the business of interior design and has been
thinking in terms of commissioning and/or selecting art to meet the
dictates of a pre-existing space.  The questions she has asked me to
pose the professionals deal with the reverse; conforming the space to
the art.  "Basically I would like to know what criteria a curator might
use when designing or setting up an exhibit.  Does one criteria have
precedence over another, for example is color more important than
scale.  Is there a logical process that has been 'established' or do
they (curators) go with what seems right for the pieces in particular."

Any references for the theory behind art installation and exhibit
design would be appreciated.  I think she might also be interested in
the concepts behind site-specific pieces.  Please send your replies to
me directly.  Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Andrew Martinez
Assistant Archivist & Exhibit Coordinator
Babson College
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