The collection you mention is at the Medical Pathology Museum of Tokyo
University and includes around 105 tattooed skins.  Dr. Katsunari Fukushi
was mentioned as the curator of the collection in a 1987 article on the

In article <v01520d02ac9b22292f08@[]>, Claire Pillsbury
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I read somewhere (can't find the article at the moment) about a tattoo skin
> collection, perhaps in a Japanese museum.  The tatoos were particularly
> elaborate whole body or chest designs that were traditional body adornment
> of Samurai warriors. After death these designs and their skin was preserved
> - my hazy memory of this is that this was an "in homage to their memory"
> gesture rather than desecration of a fallen hero.
> Would like to hear from others about tattoo topics in museum exhibits - I
> think that it is intriguing subject matter.
> Claire Pillsbury, Exhibit Developer,
> email - [log in to unmask]    TEL: 408-279-7136, FAX: 408-279-7197
> Tech Museum of Innovation
> 145 West San Carlos Street
> San Jose, CA  95113-2006