Oddly, my pastor touched on halls of fame in his sermon last week, and
according to him there is some sort of center for halls of fame here in
the Washington DC area that keeps a list of the growing numbers of halls
in the country.  I'll see if I can track down more info on that.

   "Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior."
                              --Habakkuk 3:18
Missi Mercer (and Queenie too!) | (202)496-0894 | [log in to unmask]

On Mon, 9 Oct 1995, Emily Wolff wrote:

> I am doing research for an exhibition on halls of fame.  At this point I'm esp
>  ially interested in locating non-sports halls of
> fame.  Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Emily Wolff
> [log in to unmask]