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For the American Studies Association meeting in Kansas City, Missouri October
31-November 3, 1996 conference theme: Global Migration, American Cultures, and
the State" panelist sought

proposed session: Memory and Historical Space

This panel will focus on the public spaces where history and memory converge.
The historic built environment--whether single landmark or vernacular
structures or entire cultural landscapes--will be the laboratory for examining
how Americans conceive the past--whether on the local, regional, or national
level--and how these conceptions change over time and are debated among
various individuals and groups. Present panel participants will be looking at
(1) Independence Hall as a Landmark of History and Imagination; and (2) The
Politics of Preservation: Community Identity and Historical Consciousness.
This panel will seek to explore how the preservation, interpretation, and even
destruction of historic sites reveal the ways in which collective memory is
shaped. Papers are welcomed on any historical period or place.

Please respond off-list to Paige Roberts  [log in to unmask] or
Charlene Mires  [log in to unmask]