The New England Science Center [NESC] is developing a rather unusual=20
new program for our Planetarium. From the perspective(s) of Planetary
Evolution, we will be visiting inner as well as outer space,
using a section of our dome as a Microcosmium.
 NESC, in collaboration with the Margulis Lab at UMass=20
Amherst,(Margulis=D5 work is AMAZING!!!) is putting together a series of=20
extraordinary videos=20
and projection visuals exploring the worlds of microbes. The programs=20
address ecology and evolutionary biology in the context of=20
comparative planetology. =20

We are currently seeking funding for a beta phase of this project. NESC=20
needs to get even an anecdotal sense of level of interest in the Museum=20
We hope to be able to provide programs (and ancillary teaching /=20
professional development materials at low cost/no cost. These materials
focus through outstanding "research" visuals from Margulis' lab.
Planetariums would require VCR and/or computer with projector.
We can also provide programming info. on integrating real-time video=20
projection of micromates.
An actual planetarium is not required,=20
a large screen theater would do. However, the pedagogic impact of planetary=
evolution would be somewhat vitiated.
Please email me at [log in to unmask]  if you have any interest in learning more=
about this project.  Thanks.

Yours, hopefully underresentedly,

Lois Brynes
Deep-Time Associates