Francisco Soto:

   Thanks for posting your plans for a multimedia center in Europe. I
   couldn't tell what stage this is at. Are you just thinking about it?
   Have you secured funding? Are you actually building this?

   America is quite strange in its adamance that everything should result
   from private enterprise and the free market. I'm an American and have
   benefitted from the wealth and diversity of this country, so I'm not
   really putting us down. I am always jealous when I hear about European
   concern for the arts and cultural heritage. There seems to be much
   more of a willingness for government investment in such things. Even
   in post-Thatcher England, the lottery is turning out to be a major
   source of new investment in culture, art, education, science, and
   other aspects of life which do not necessarily thrive in the free

   Please let us know how your interesting plans are progressing.

   Eric Siegel
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