>1) What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about water?

 rivers and waterfalls

>2) What would you expect to see in an exhibit about water?

the water cycle, water power, human uses of water, forms of water, water
uses through history (aqueducts, etc.), what depends on water

>3) Is there something about water that you would like to understand a
>little bit more?

Why water?  Why is it so important? Why not some other compound?  How would
earth have evolved without water?  Is it an absolute requirment for life?

>4) What are 4 words you would use to describe water.

clear, smooth, strong, wet (a little obvious perhaps?)

>5) Name our exhibit - What title would you give an exhibit about water?

(Nothing springs to mind---bur maybe something with lots of W's)

Good luck!

Lucy Jones