Center for Museum Studies
Smithsonian Institution
Workshop Series   1995 - 1996

January 22 - 26, 1996

Application Deadline:  November 24, 1995

     Organized in response to social, financial, and economic
 conditions of a different era, museums are being charged to
 understand and deal with a rapidly changing world.  Yet, the
 pressing demands of daily operations often hinder an
 administrator's ability to consider the new trends and their
 implications on his or her organization.  Needed are
 opportunities to reflect on fundamental management concerns, and
 to formulate responsive plans.

 Workshop Objectives
      Participants can expect to learn:

      |    how to analyze the museum's strengths and challenges,
           and develop a planning document to define mission,
           objectives, strategies and action plans

      |    how to identify and plan for staff, space, and
           facilities needs that respond to the museum's
           functional requirements

      |    how to develop and maintain productive relationships
           with board members, staff, volunteers, and community

      |    how to understand and present a financial statement

      |    how to budget for planned activities

      |    how to analyze the security, fire, safety, and
           environmental needs of the physical plant, collections,
           and sites; and plan for meeting them in ways
           appropriate to the specialized requirements of
           protection and preservation

 Application Deadline - November 24, 1995

 Workshop Content
      The Workshop Series curriculum is linked directly to issues
 faced by people working in small, emerging, culturally specific,
 and rural museums.  Introduction to Museum Management is intended
 to help museum personnel make sound decisions about administering
 their organization.  Areas to be covered include strategic
 planning; identifying and managing human, financial, and physical
 resources; and forming good working relationships between and
 among the various stakeholders within the museum structure and in
 the larger community. The curriculum focuses on those aspects of
 a topic that are unique to museum work.  It is based on the
 assumption that the nature of work performed in small museums is
 different than that in medium and large facilities.  Emphasis is
 placed on approaches that link the museum's purpose with the
 needs and values of its community, and that are appropriate to
 its resources.

 Who should attend
      The workshop is designed for people who plan, organize,
 control, and manage museums whose budgets are less than $250,000
 and have five or less full-time staff.  Eligible are staff,
 volunteers, and board members, in paid or unpaid positions, who
 work full- or part-time.

 Selection criteria
      Up to 16 participants will be selected on a competitive
 basis to attend the workshop.  Preference is given to applicants
 who have a demonstrated commitment to the museum field and whose
 primary responsibilities are directly related to the workshop

 Workshop methods and materials
      Instructional methods include a mix of lectures,
 demonstrations, tours, group discussions, and hands-on skills
 training and exercises.   On-site visits to museums, similar in
 scope and orientation to workshop participants' institutions, are
 integral components of the instructional process as well.  These
 visits serve as case studies for examining organizational
 responses to real museum situations.

      The workshop will use a "problem-solving" approach.
 Participants are expected to take an active role in their
 learning process by analyzing and sharing their own experiences,
 contributing to and leading group discussions, and developing and
 discussing action plans devised at the workshop.

      Each participant receives a resource notebook specially
 designed for the workshop.  It contains selected reference
 materials, model forms, resource lists, and bibliographic

      The teaching team includes Jane North, Development Director,
 Montgomery County Historical Society, member of The Property
 Council of the Woodrow Wilson House, and former director, The
 Historical Society of Washington, DC; Russell A. Cargo, Ph.D.,
 Coordinator, Nonprofit Management Program, George Mason
 University, Fairfax VA; Vicki E. Sopher, Director, Decatur House;
 and Smithsonian Institution staff including David A. Liston,
 Office of Protection Services, and J. Andrew Wilson, Office of
 Environmental Management and Safety.

      Course instructors have demonstrated expertise in their
 subject areas and have first-hand knowledge of situations similar
 to those that workshop participants face.

      The workshop fee is $275.00.  It covers all tuition,
 instructional materials, one group meal and transportation to
 instructional sites that are not accessible via the city's
 subway/bus system or within walking distance of the Smithsonian
 Mall.  Participants are responsible for their own lodging, food,
 transportation, telephone and fax charges, and other personal

      Scholarships are not available from the Smithsonian.  We
 encourage applicants to contact the Institute of Museum Services
 (IMS) about their Technical Assistance Grants (TAG).  TAG
 provides funds to help museum staff defray the costs of attending
 training workshops.  The IMS telephone number is 202-606-8539;
 fax number is 202-606-8591.

      Funding opportunities may also be available through your
 state arts or humanities council.

      The Smithsonian Institution/Center for Museum Studies
 (SI/CMS) and the Institute of Museum Services (IMS) are
 completely separate organizations.  An application to IMS for a
 TAG grant does not function as an application to a SI/CMS
 workshop, nor does an award of a TAG grant by IMS confer
 acceptance to a CI/CMS program.  You must follow the application
 process described below to be considered for participation in a
 CMS workshop.

 Payment Schedule
      Do NOT send any money with the application form.   A $150.00
 deposit is due within 10 days of notification of acceptance to
 the workshop.  Seventy-five dollars ($75.00) of the deposit is
 refundable if written notice of cancellation is received four (4)
 weeks) prior to the first day of the workshop.

      The balance of the workshop fee ($125.00) is due in the CMS
 office three weeks prior to the first day of the workshop.

 Application procedure
 1.   Complete the enclosed Introduction to Museum Management
 Application Form.

 2.   Attach a one-page resume outlining your educational and
 employment history, professional affiliations, and achievements.

 3.    Secure a letter of support from your director, board
 official, or the person to whom you report, and include it with
 the Application Form.

 4.   Mail an original and three (3) copies of all application
 materials (application form, resume, and letter of support) to:

      Workshop Series     Center for Museum Studies
      MRC 427
      Smithsonian Institution
      Washington, D.C. 20560

      Facsimile-transmitted applications will not be accepted.

 5.   To be eligible for consideration, applications must be
 Postmarked by November 24, 1995.  Notification of admission
 decisions will be made by December 22, 1995.

 For further information, contact the Workshop Series, Center for
 Museum Studies  telephone 202-357-3101, fax 202-357-3346, or
e- mail  [log in to unmask]


 Application Form
 Introduction to Museum Management
 January 22 - 26, 1996

 Application Deadline: November 24, 1995

 Center for Museum Studies
 Smithsonian Institution


 Name of museum


 Mailing address

 Daytime telephone

 Fax number

 e-mail address

 Tell us about your institution  (These questions are designed to
 help us develop workshop content that responds to the needs of
 the participants.  All information will be held in confidence.)
 Do not send brochures or other printed materials with this

 1.   What is the museum's main purpose?

 2.   What is the museum's best feature?

 3.   What is the major challenge facing your museum?

 4.   Does the museum have a written statement of

      scope and purpose?  yes ___   no ___

 5.   Does the museum have a long-range planning document?

      yes ___  no ___

 6.   Are there written plans for what the museum will do in the

      next 12 months?   yes ___  no ___  If no, go on to number 7

      If yes, list one (1) item in the plan, tell how it will
      contribute to the museum's mission, and how the results will
      be evaluated:

 7.   Does the museum have a board of trustees or other legally

      constituted governing body?   yes ___  no ___

 8.   How many people work in the museum? _______________

      How many are full-time? _____

      How many are paid?  ________

 9.   Are there written job descriptions for each position?
      yes ___  no ___  If no, go on to question #10.  If yes,
      select one person who works in the museum (not yourself) and
      list his or her duties.

 10.  Does the museum have a manual of personnel policies and

       procedures?  Yes ___  no ___

 11.  What is the main human resources concern at your

 12.  What is your museum's total budget? $__________________

 13.  Does the museum:

      collect objects?   yes___ no____

      perform research? yes ___  no___

      mount exhibits? yes ___  no ___

      offer educational activities and programs?  yes ___  no ___

 14.  What kind(s) of collections does the museum hold?

 15.  Does the museum have insurance coverage?  yes ___  no ___

 16.  How many visitors per year does your museum service? _______

      Approximately what percentage are school groups? _________

      adult groups? _________  individual walk-ins?____________

 17.  What is the museum's major concern regarding finances?

 18.  Is your museum "computerized?" yes _______ no ______

      For what function(s) is the computer used?

      word processing ___  collections management ________

      administration _______  communicating between offices,

      academic, and cultural institutions _____

      other, explain____________________________________________

      Is your museum connected to "internet?"  yes ___  no___

 19.  What is the museum's major concern regarding its physical

 20.  Is your museum part of a collaborative cultural network or
 other association?

        yes_____ no_____

 Tell us about yourself:

 1.   What got you started working in a museum?

 2.   What are your direct responsibilities?

 3.   Are you new to this assignment?  yes___   no___

 4.   What is the most pressing problem you face in your job?

 5.   What role do you have in making institutional decisions?

 6.   What would you most want to accomplish by attending this

 7.   Are you responsible for a specific project for which you
 hope attendance at this

      workshop will prepare you?

      yes ___  no ___  please identify

 8.   Do you have supervisory responsibilities? yes___  no___

 9.   Do you have responsibilities for budgeting?  yes ___  no___

 10.  Do you write grant(s)?  yes___  no___

 11.  Do you operate a computer? yes ____ no____

      What software do you use?

 12.  What one museum-related objective would you like to achieve
 in the coming year?

 13.  How will the information/experiences gained through
 attending this workshop be    shared with others in your network
 or circle?

 14.  What is the title of the person who is your supervisor?

 15.  Other information you would like to share that will help us
      design the workshop?

 Thank you for your interest in the CMS Introduction to Museum
 Management workshop.

 Signature ________________________________ Date _____________

      Mail an original and three (3) copies of a completed
 application package (application form, resume, and letter of
 support) to:

      Workshop Series     Center for Museum Studies
      MRC 427
      Smithsonian Institution
      Washington, D.C.  20560

 Postmark deadline: November 24, 1995

Bruce C. Craig              Internet:  [log in to unmask]
Center for Museum Studies   Smithsonian Institution
A&I 2235-MRC427             Washington, DC  20560
(202) 357-3148              FAX:(202) 357-3346