In a message dated 95-10-23 18:47:33 EDT, you write:

>You mean I'm not the only ex Girl Guide (Scout) who can't stand those
>disgusting cookies?  Chrissie - Thank you!
>  I learned about truth in advertising when, as a terrified 7 year old in a
>wierd costume, I had to answer the question - "Are they any good?"  My
>career in advertising in tatters, I did my next badge in 'heritage', and
>haven't looked back.
>We never called them Samoas, but what we did call them does not bear
>Barbara Winter
>forget the thin mints, I'll take single malt

Y'all are heathens!! (You too Chrissie) Samoas from the freezer in June?
Beats a Snickers Bar anyday. The only thing possibly better are Do-Si-Dos.
And who said Anthropology and Girl Scouts have nothing in common?

- Adrienne