I'm very anxious to read this material but the URL doesn't work. Any idea
why. The message said "doesn't exist even tried multi" whatever "multi" is.
Linda Tanaka
Vancouver Museum

>While there are a growing number of online resources about the mechanics of
>web page creation, I still only know of one reference on style.  Someone
>passed it on to me and it explained why some pages ran off the edge of my
>screen, why some took forever to load, and a lot of other things I liked or
>didn't like but couldn't pin down why.  So, I pass it on to you, and
>perhaps others will chime in with other style guides that are equally
>Yale C/AIM WWW Style Manual, from the Yale Center for Advanced
>Instructional Media, and it appears Patrick J. Lynch is the author (and he
>should be right proud of it!).  It starts at
>Tom Vaughan                    \_   Cultural
>The Waggin' Tongue             \_    Resource
>[log in to unmask]             \_     Management,
>[log in to unmask]               \_       Interpretation,
>11795 County Road 39.2                \_       Planning, &
>Mancos, CO 81328 USA                    \_       Training
Linda Tanaka
Vancouver Museum
Vancouver, BC
[log in to unmask]

(opinions are mine not my insitution)