>Does anyone know where I can purchase a "people-counter," i.e. a motion
>sensor that tracks visitors as they come in the door and records their
>numbers?  Addresses and phone numbers of suppliers would be helpful.  We
>have an old one that we would like to update, and nobody can remember how
>we got it originally.
>Thank you very much!
>Julia Moore
>Indianapolis Art Center
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I am so glad you asked this question!  We are also in the market for such a
device, so
please share your responses either on the list or, if not, please send them
to me off

Thanks much.

Jeanne Keefe

Jeanne M.  Keefe                                        *  E-mail:
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Graphics Curator                                        *  Tel: (518) 276-2727
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Architecture Library
Troy, NY 12180