Jim Angus wrote about posting to the list vs. posting privately:

Jim, I didn't follow that particular thread (since I delete ones I don't
follow, just like you do), so I don't know the particulars.  But
something we might all want to think about is using a sort of
dual-audience awareness when posting responses to the list.

What I mean is that any response is both to a person and to everyone
else, so it's useful to have the dual audience in mind when composing a
reply: perhaps give some clue about what your general subject is (short
of including the original post every time) and address yourself to both
an individual and a group -- kind of like answering questions in a lecture.

Again, I don't know if that applies to your situation, Jim, but I think
it's important for everyone to keep in mind.

Doug Lantry
University of Delaware
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