>Any way we all might get to see the article here on the list or portions of it
>or something like an abstract?
>Neil Hathaway  30.ix.95

I'm not sure if it contains this exact article but there is a great WWW
site devoted to the Enola Gay controversy. It describes itself as:

"The following World Wide Web document is the product of a collaborative
effort by students in the College of Library and
Information Services. It focuses on the controversy created by the
Smithsonian's exhibit on the Enola Gay, the first airplane to
drop an atomic bomb.

In 1994, an almost 50 year debate on what to do with the Enola Gay came to
an explosive head. This project is not an opinion on
whether the Smithsonian was correct to cut out major parts of its planned
exhibit, but a look at the history of the plane and the
atomic bomb, up to and including the controversy that took place over the

and can be found at:



hope it helps (without violating copyright :)

Richard Rinehart              | University Art Museum / Pacific Film Archive
Systems Manager & Education   | University of California at Berkeley
Technology Specialist         | 2625 Durant, Berkeley, CA 94720-2250
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