Two committees of the Southeastern Museums Conference are offering
scholarships for the organization's 1995 Annual Meeting This October 4-7 in
New Orleans. LA.

SEMC's Diversity Committee is offering up to 3 scholarships for minority
museum professionals from any institution AND 3 scholarships for 0
graduate or undergraduate students at an accredited college or university in
the region who would otherwise be unable to attend the annual meeting.
Scholarships consist of a full Annual Meeting registration plus a travel and
04 stipend.

SEMC's Student & Scholarship Committee is offering 6 scholarships available
to senior-level undergraduate students preparing for careers in museums;
museum interns, and professionals employed in the museum field for one year
or less.  Two scholarships are earmarked for a museum professional from a
small museum.  Scholarship winners receive a $300. stipend in addition to a
waver of the full registration fee and a one-year membership in SEMC.

Contact SEMC office at 504/383-5042 for additional information and
application forms.  Deadlines for applications are August 10 and July 28,


T.Patrick Brennan
Director, Historic Houses
The Chrysler Museum
phone: (804) 664-6256
fax: (804) 441-2329
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
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