I am currently doing research for a paper on transformational management
in museums.  I read with some interest the recent cover story in
*Museum News* re the reorganization at Henry Ford, although I found
it to be a bit vague on the specific reforms.
Does anyone have any experience and/or opinions on the efficacy of
matrix organization, organic structure, self-directed work teams, or
other transformational approaches in the management of museums?
I am especially interested in their application in large museums like the Ford,
the Field, or NMNH.  And if you can actually cite published reports,
you will have my undying admiration.
Incidentally, I'd love to hear what the professional staff at Henry
Ford think about the much-touted reorganization.  Is it all Skramstad
and Hamp say it is?
Please share your response with the list.  Thanks in advance.
Patrick L. Ralston
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