I've been asked to look into software packages for
membership/development/fundraising/donors types of operations for our
Raiser's Edge was suggested, but it is a Windows-only package, which limits
its use and flexibility somewhat in our mostly Mac environment (Mac desktop
machines, and Appletalk LAN, with a few Windows machines throughout).
We already use FileMaker Pro for Mac for collections databases, and I'd be
curious to know if anyone out there is using FileMaker Pro for
membership/development purposes, or if there is some other Mac-based
FileMaker is also mutliple platform, with Windows and Mac versions which
can run off the same central server Database in client-server mode I
Making our own in Filemaker DB also would allow us flexibity in adding or
deleting fields, etc.
If you have any info, you can email me directly unless you think it would
be of general interest to the list. Info on your experience with Raiser's
Edge would also be useful in evaluation.
Thanks very much,
Richard Rinehart              | University Art Museum / Pacific Film Archive
Information Systems Manager   | University of California at Berkeley
[log in to unmask] | 2625 Durant, Berkeley, CA 94720-2250
                              | http://www.uampfa.berkeley.edu/