In article <[log in to unmask]>,
jeffrey floyd stevens <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>I need help translating the text surrounding a 1844 lithograph by
>Daumier.  Any help would be most appreciated.  The text is as follows:
>(above image)  Les Carottes
>(below image)  Carotte Dramatique - Couplet au public
>               Air de la Sentinelle
>(verse accompanying image)
>A vous, messieurs je m(')adresse ce soir,
Sirs, I'am adressing myself to you tonight,
>Vous avez tant d'esprit, tant de finesse;
You who are so bright, and so subtle,
>A vous, messieurs, (notre) orgueil, notre espoir,
To you, sirs, our pride, our hope,
>Je viens (ici) confesser ma faiblesse;
I come here to confess my weakness
>Ah, (donnez-moi), juge(s) trop indulgent,
Ah, Let me have, too (indulgent ?) juges,
>Un boucher contre bien des attaques,
A butcher against how many attacks,  (approximately)
>Donnez-moi, public obligeant,
Let me have, obliging audience,
>Vos soins, vos conseils...votre argent;
Your care, your advices...your money;
>Et surtout donnez-moi des claques.
And more than anything smack my face
That's a try.. improvement welcomed.
| Yves C.R. Capdeboscq           Frogs                        [log in to unmask] |
|  Pembroke College                &                      [log in to unmask] |
| Cambridge  CB2 1RF            Fractals          [log in to unmask] |