Hi Barbara - As the University of Victoria's academic museum studies
program is designed for part time and distance education completion, you
may find that you can take some of our courses for transfer credit to your
degree. For example, you can complete both 'Introduction to Museum
Studies' and 'Introduction to Heritage Conservation'  in a print and video
based distance education format over two semesters.
You could also travel to Victoria from time to time to take our
(one-semester equivalent) ten-day immersion courses. Topics this term
include 'Information Management in Heritage Organizations', 'Planning in
Heritage Organizations', 'Management of Cultural Organizations',
'Communicating Through Exhibitions' and 'Cultural Tourism'. We also have
immersion courses on collections management, curatorship, financial
management and human resource management, public programming, and
curatorial care of artifacts. A number of graduate programs in both Canada
and the United States have allowed their students to take these courses
for graduate transfer credit.
Please send me your mailing address if you'd like to receive further
Joy Davis
Cultural Resource Management Program
University of Victoria
FAx 604-721-8774
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