>I am trying to assemble a small paper on the facts behind the
>stories/legends/myths/recycled gossip that circulate on the subject=
>chastity belts. However, I am finding it almost impossible to find=
>primary or reliable secondary information on the subject. This may=
>be because I'm in Australia, which would explain the lack of primary
>info, but I can't find *anything* beyond salacious stories, bad=
 jokes and
>allegorical cartoons. As far as I can establish, the damned things=
>existed - which will make the paper a very small one indeed!
Les "ceintures de chastete'" existent ! Il y en a au Muse'e de Cluny
(muse'e du Moyen Age), =E0 Paris :
Muse'e de Cluny,
6, place Paul Painleve'
75005 PARIS
Bonne chance !
Philippe Mennecier <[log in to unmask]>