On Jan 19,  6:24pm, [log in to unmask] wrote:
I am interested  in the museum field as a career.  I am a senior in
anthropology and will graduate in May 95.  I am not sure if Museum work is
worth going into since there is not that many jobs nor is the money decent.
Does anyone have any encouragement for me?  I am thinking of applying to grad
school at GWU in DC and Tel Aviv and Hebrew U.  I am into Jewish Civilization
and Biblical Archaeology.  If u have any suggestions please email me at
>-- End of excerpt from [log in to unmask]
If I may suggest you actually volunteer in a museum.  I, like you, gained an
interest in museum work, however, I was only in grade twelve.  I began
volunteering in museums and galleries to 'get a feel for them.'  After four
and one half years, I love it!  I will be graduating, like you in May, 1995.
I have already contacted several graduate programs teaching Museum Studies,
and my academic field of Art History.  I will apply to them all, and I will
decide when acceptance(s) come.
So I guess my main suggestion is do a little reading on Museology, go to many
museums of different subjects (i.e. history, art, science, etc.) and try to
pick out what features you like, dislike, or don't care about.  Also, try to
volunteer in a museums or gallery...get the exposure.
A book I can suggest is published 1994 by Routledge Press, London, England
entitled, 'The Museum Handbook.'
Good Luck...I am assuming you are Jewish (as am I)...Shalom.
Joshua Heuman           (*)  (*)
[log in to unmask]           >