Sorry to have to do this but...  Our Museum's server crashed consistently last
week and I missed digests for Jan 12th-15th.  Does anyone know how to retrieve
these from storage or could send them to me directly?  Don't worry about
overloading me - I can use the delete key with the best of them.  I print these
digests out and pass them around so they get quite a bit of use around here.
The guard as ambassador thread is of especial interest to our public programs
dept. since we're trying to do the same thing (although I don't think the guys
will go for red blazers.)
Thanks a lot.
For Holly, a sigline:
Michael Rhode, Chief Archivist                  202-782-2212
National Museum of Health & Medicine            FAX 202-576-3573
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology             [log in to unmask]
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Washington, DC 20306-6000