The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation
          Review Committee will be meeting in Los Angeles, CA from
          February 16 - 18, 1995 to discuss reserved sections of the
          NAGPRA regulations (further explanation below).  The public
          is welcome to attend and provide comments.
          Thursday and Friday (Feb. 16, 17) meetings will be held in
          the Garden A Room of the Airport Marina Hotel, 8601 Lincoln
          Blvd, Los Angeles, CA and Saturday (Feb. 18) meeting will be
          held in the Bird's Nest at Loyola Marymount University, 7101
          West 80th Street, Los Angeles, CA.  Meetings will begin at
          8:30 am and will conclude not later than 5:30 pm.
          The Committee will consider drafts of three sections that
          were reserved in the proposed regulations published May 28,
          1993:  1) Disposition of Unclaimed Human Remains and
          Cultural Items from Federal and Tribal Lands;  2)
          Disposition of Culturally Unidentifiable Human Remains in
          Museums and Federal Collections; and 3) Future
          Unclaimed human remains are those in museum or Federal
          agency collections for which, following the completion of
          inventories by November 16, 1995, no lineal descendants or
          culturally affiliated Indian tribe has been determined.
          Please spread the word.
          [log in to unmask]
          National Park Service
          Archeological Assistance Div.
          Washington, DC