Colleagues, what follows is from another list, Suzanne Quigley
>                      January 6, 1995
>Dear Arts Advocates:
>      As you know, since the November elections the future of our
>national cultural agencies, including the National Endowment for
>the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the
>Institute for Museum Services, is seriously threatened.  These
>agencies are facing severe cuts to their current funding or
>possible elimination.  Arts advocates across the country must act
>NOW if these agencies are to be saved.
>      The Emergency Committee to Save Culture and the Arts, a
>project of the American Arts Alliance, has set up a 1-900 number
>(it is already working!) so that arts groups, artists,
>volunteers, arts patrons, audience members, contributors, local
>businesses, vendors and suppliers can quickly and easily register
>their support for continued funding for the arts and culture with
>their members of Congress, for a nominal fee.  Time is short. You
>are invited to use this number immediately.
>      When you can call this number, 1-900-370-9000, the following
>will happen:
>1.)   The caller will be handled by a live operator.  Following a
>      brief statement that the call costs $1.99 per minute and
>      that you must be 18 or over, the operator then asks the
>      caller if he/she would allow the Emergency Committee to send
>      a mailgram in the caller's name to their two Senators and
>      one Representative.
>2.)   If the caller says yes, the above process takes place and is
>      billed to the caller's home phone.  The caller leaves
>      his/her name, address, and zip code which is then matched
>      with the corresponding congressional district to assure that
>      the correct elected officials receive the mailgram.
>      The Alliance has put together a steering committee currently
>made up of more than a dozen organizations to participate in
>message development and the disbursement of any funds that are
>collected over and beyond the costs for set up and maintenance of
>the number.  You are invited to join this steering committee.
>There is no cost for this participation.
>      In order for this emergency campaign to be effective, we
>need your help to widely distribute the 1-900 number.
>Distribution of the number can be accomplished through the use of
>flyers, word of mouth, printing it in all local newspapers and
>membership organization's newsletters, radio announcements,
>posters, and on local computer Bulletin Board Services.  (The
>first flyers are now available.  Please call for a copy).
>Curtain speeches educating audiences about the crisis and drawing
>attention to ways to respond, are extremely effective and we urge
>you to undertake these and other activities.  The success of the
>emergency campaign depends on this effort.
>      The future of arts and cultural funding in this country is
>being determined by members of Congress NOW.  More than ever, the
>voices of arts supporters must be heard.
>      Thank you for participating in this critical grassroots
>effort.  Please call the American Arts Alliance at 202-737-1727
>if you would like to join the steering committee or have any