Any of you who receive federal arts and humanities funding should be aware
of the latest considerations by Congress to cause harm.  According to NEA
staff, not only future funding and even the existence of NEA (and other
agencies) are threatened -- past alottments may be rescinded.  Your budget
plans now may need to include re-payment or non-acceptance of money
promised to you.
I do not know the details about this.  I have requested that NEA send me
the available information as well as instructions as to the preferred
response.  Apparently, the basic issue is one of communicating to "our"
representatives the enormous benefits all of us have received from NEA,
CPB, NEH, etc. to counterattack the overwhelming negative reports from
Please call NEA or the federal agency most helpful to you (NSF, NEH, or
whichever) to get the specifics and the fax numbers.  If you would like
e-mail addresses as well of the House of Representatives (those that have
such already), please write to me at the following:
[log in to unmask] (Jane Henrici)
- jane