4th St. and Constitution Ave NW
Washington, DC 20565
Tuesdays 12:00-1:00
East Building Large Auditorium
Renaissance Architecture
David Friedman, Associate Professor of Architecture,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
January 3
The Renaissance: Urban Architecture
January 10
Brunelleschi9s Synthesis of the Western Tradition
January 17
Alberti and the Architecture of Humanism
January 24
Rome in the Early Sixteenth Century
Renaissance Architecture is the latest in a continuing series of
exhibition-related lectures by distinguished scholars. David Friedman has
written and lectured extensively on Italian architecture of the late
Middle Ages and the Renaissance. His publications include a recent
award-winning study, Florentine New Towns: Urban Design in the Late Middle
Ages.  Professor Friedman received his B.A. at Brandeis University and his
PhD. in the Department of Fine Arts, Harvard University.
Lectures are offered in conjunction with the exhibition
Italian Renaissance Architecture:
Brunelleschi, Sangallo, Michelangelo -
The Cathedrals of Florence and Pavia and St. Peter9s, Rome
The exhibition at the National Gallery of Art was organized in
collaboration with the Palazzo Grassi and FIAT.
The presentation in Washington has been made possible by the National
Gallery9s Fund for the International Exchange of Art.
Alitalia Cargo System is the official carrier for the exhibition.
No reservations are required. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Sponsored by the Department of Adult Programs, Education Division.