I had to respond to this one -
On Sat, 17 Dec 1994, rich jones wrote:
> Keep us posted on how your teenagers turn out.
Mr. Jones, I don't know the extent of your experimentation (or lack
thereof) of drugs, but please do not ever think that just because
something is illegal that it is dangerous for people.  Take gambling for
instance (not dangerous for Nevadans and others?).  I defy anyone to give
indisputable proof as to the link between second-hand smoke and lung
cancer (or first-hand for that matter).  And even if danger is the
criterion upon which actions should be judged, what about driving cars?
Riding bicycles?  Being obese?  Sitting out in the sun?  Breathing liquid
paper fumes?  People are allowed to do these things everyday even though
car accidents (more caused by sober drivers) and heart disease (biggest
reason obesity) have been associated with more deaths than smoking pot.  I
don't know when it happened that a link developed between what is illegal
and what should be considered immoral.  When slavery existed, was is
irresponsible of a parent to teach their children that it was wrong?
Without giving anything away, I can tell you for a fact that a teenager
can experiment with drugs (with or without their parents consent or
support) and even continue to use and still get several advanced degrees
with a 4.0 gpa, be a competition class athlete, a good parent, and a
loving spouse.  You shouldn't go on what you read or see on TV.  I'm not
saying to throw caution to the wind and drugs are for everyone or that
they should be legal.  I'm just saying that it is not irresponsible or
outrageous for a parent to have made the choices that Mr. Coker has.  His
situation and family is uniquely his own, and no one ought to sit in