Rick Figard ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Lets be realistic in our replies eh folks?  Comparing being Jewish under
: Hitler to my statement about taking drugs is ludicrous.  The Jewish people
: didn't have a choice as to what ethnic background they were.  People who take
: drugs have the choice.  They also have a choice as to NOT taking the drug
: test.  America is full of choices....long live America.
: But come on, I thought this was intelligent conversation.  Comparisons like
: that really don't deserve a reply.
:                              Rick Figard
:                          [log in to unmask]
:      Smithsonian Institution - Office of Fellowships and Grants
:       / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Mr. Figard:
Give us a break.  Your statement was not about using drugs it was about
manditory drug testing.  I am as opposed to drugs as any conservative.
But having studied a good bit of analytical chemistry and having known
many medical technologists I have serious reservations about the effects
of mistakes and sloppiness when we are talking about people's jobs.
You seem to assume that because somebody invents a drug test that the
potential failures of the system are of no concern.  I thought that
what made America so great was the protection of the innocent.
Long live the Constitution of the United States of America!