Dear Holly Trimper,
Yes, your age is showing. (Cynicism just says, yeah they'll do that--it
doesn't say it's ok).  Possibly you need to borrow the Frank Zappa cut with
the refrain that goes, "it can't happen here."
Seriously, this is not about peeing in a cup. This is not about safety on
the job. This is about one segment of the population trying to impose their
idea of "the greater good" on another segment. If you had lived through the
sixties, where a lot of people thought that having a lot of other people
spend a night in jail was for the greater good, you would not be saying
"oh, well, what's the big deal about losing just one night out of your
life." Rights are rights, whether large or small, and erosion of those
rights starts small.
Ivy Fleck Strickler                     Phone 215-895-1637
Drexel University                       Fax 215-895-4917
Nesbitt College of Design Arts
Philadelphia, PA 19104