>           The New York Panorama is at the Queens Museum, in the old
>           NYS pavilion on the old World's Fair grounds in Flushing
>           Meadow Park, Queens. It was just updated, and is supposed to
>           be 9,000 ft2! It was alot of fun in its old version, and
>           I've heard that the new version is spectacular.
>           Eric Siegel
>           [log in to unmask]
I heard that NPR bit too; I was half asleep at the time and wasn't
sure afterwards whether that was really on the radio or whether I
dreamed the whole thing.  Thanks for verifying that the model exists.
I remember a similar map of San Francisco in the Ferry Building
years ago, when it was still a sort of scruffy geology museum.
Does anyone else remember that map, or know what happened to it?
I hadn't thought of it for years....  (Now I wonder if I dreamed
that one too.  There are hazards to tuning your clock radio to
the news broadcast.  I was also dreaming that the back yard was
full of Bosnian Serbs, and the United Nations couldn't do anything
about it.)
Only slightly deranged after a long day at the byte mines....
Barbara Weitbrecht
Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space Museum
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