Date:         Thu, 3 Nov 1994 16:21:09 GMT
   From: Pierre Didierjean <[log in to unmask]>
   I'd like to know what kind of people i find on the net.
   Students, Commercials, Adminitrations, Scientifics or what ??
   Is anybody knows that or have statistical results ?
Jim Pitkow and folks at GVU at Georgia Tech have done one survey,
and are currently doing a second of the WWW population. The second
study is advertised in "What's New", so hopefully should get a reasonable
sized response. The results of the first study from January 1994, and
the current survey are available at:
Of course if you haven't heard of the study, you might be wondering
how representative it is going to be......
Mark Rosenstein.
Imagine what it would be like if television actually were good.
It would be the end of everything we know.
  -- Marvin Minsky.