Cross-posted to MUSEUM-L, Heritage, and ARTIFACT
                           Position Announcement
                   Instructor for Summer Undergraduate
                   Community History Research Institute
Dear Colleague:
I am writing to find an instructor for a summer undergraduate Community
History Research Institute sponsored by the Southwestern Pennsylvania
Heritage Preservation Commission and the University of Pittsburgh,
Johnstown campus. The position offers a $10,000 contract.  It will
require at least one week on-site in the spring along with at least
another week of preparation time, 11 weeks of full-time summer effort
including nine weeks of instruction, and a final week of analysis and
report writing.
Fifteen rising juniors and graduating seniors are recruited from across
the nation and provide a stimulating (even exhausting) environment to
work. Please write me for the brochure describing the program if you are
interested. Applicants should probably have a Ph.D. in hand, some
teaching and/or museum experience, a real love of primary research, and
a deep appreciation for undergraduate curiosity. Subject specialties in
American history are less important than teaching skills and a
willingness to work hard and long throughout the summer. The students
who finished this past summer returned home as much more mature students
with the tools to enable their inquiring minds to probe well beyond the
traditional level of undergraduate scholarship. Their less ambitious
instructors may hate us, but we earned the respect of our students and
appreciative letters from supportive faculty as well.
We want 1995 to build on the excellent instruction we enjoyed in 1994,
and I hope you will help us find the best person for the job. It may be
a senior faculty member willing to commit the time and energy to do the
class, it may be a young Ph.D. still trying to land a permanent job and
willing to pin part of their growing reputation on our growing
reputation, or it may be someone between those two extremes. Whoever it
is, we want the best and we are willing to pay well for what we want.
There is a two step application process: initial statements of interest
must be received no later than November 28. By December 7, I will write
all of those selected to make final applications, which will be due by
January 3. Final notice will go out by January 15.  Final application
will indicate complete willingness to meet the time and location demands
outlines above.  Initial statements of interest should include a resume
and letter. Final applicants will be provided additional materials and
asked to provide recommendations, written commitments, and a three-page
I hope you or a colleague will find this a challenging opportunity.
Letters of inquiry and interest should go to:
     T. Allan Comp, Co-Director
     Community History Research Institute
     Southwest Pennsylvania Heritage Preservation Commission
     Technical Assistance Center
     319 Washington Street, Suite 370
     Johnstown, PA  15901
     Tel. 814-539-2016    Fax:  814-539-3345
T. Allan Comp, Ph.D.
SPHPC Heritage Resources Manager and
Co-Director, Community History Research Institute
announcement posted by request.
Please reply to Dr. Comp at the address noted and not to me.
Peter H. Stott                                       [log in to unmask]
Heritage Conservation                              [log in to unmask]
US ICOMOS / ICOMOS Canada                           [log in to unmask]