I posted a question on the mystery list, [log in to unmask]
(the node is just KENTVM for BITNET), after I saw a post here asking
about a list of mysteries set in museums. John Bierman replied:
 >              I have just read your posting to Dorothyl asking about
 >   Museum Mysteries.  I do not know of a list,  but I can suggest the
 >   following:
 >              Marcia Muller--The Tree of Life
 >                             Legend of the Slain Soldiers
 >              Gwendoline Butler--Coffin in the Museum of Crime
 >              Edward Candy--Bones of Contention
and Gail Orgelfinger replied:
> ... A good museum mystery is Jane Langton's Murder at the Gardner.
> Another is "The Man Who Stole the Mona Lisa," but I don't remember the
> author. Some of the Elizabeth Peters are sort of museum-ish.
I hope these are good reads - I haven't tried any.
Good reading,
Dave Carroll - bdcarrd1@budget