My institution is considering (and has a demonstration prepared in the last
2 weeks) promoting its galleries and exhibits with diskette based
"Electronic Postcards" - might retail for between $3.00 and $10.00 depending
on content size.
We are counting on this trial to determine the real demand for CDROM sized
(and expense) content - for anywhere from 1000-2,500 images and detailed
label copy would be required for a nice CDROM.  In comparison, a nice
diskette based hypertext tour of our Antonio Jacobsen's Painting exhibit
might include 20-25 images, more basic textual information as well as
promotion material about the library, archives, photo ordering procedures
and other galleries at the Museum.
I would appreciate feedback- since I am not aware of other projects like
this and would love to trade war stories!
The Mariners' Museum
Newport News, VA
Mark K. Friedman    "The fights are so    ***********************************
Tidewater, VA       vicious because       **  Internet:  [log in to unmask]   **
                    the stakes are so     **  Phone:     (804) 484-1636    **
                    low."                 **  Work:      (804) 591-7756    **