I'd like to advise everyone that the ART-ROM Web site is, by
          and large, and advertisement for their services, with links
          to some of their clients home pages.
          Apparently, they are a commercial service that helps
          institutions create web home pages. Having visited these
          sites, it does seem that they do a perfectly adequate job,
          and its nice to see some of these institutions on the Web.
          So, I certainly have no criticism of them as a company. I do
          feel that their postings tread the iffy line between service
          to the museum community and commercialism.
          This list has been so scrupulous about keeping
          postings free from commercialism that I think a very high
          standard has been set. I truly appreciate this list's
          non-commercial tone, and I'm a bit dubious about
          ART-ROM's self-promotion.
          Eric Siegel
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