On Tue, 8 Nov 1994, Tim Daniels wrote:
>         I have a flier on The National Archeological Database. In the
> flier they have listed a Telnet site(which requires a password)and they
> also list a www site.  In the flier they do not however give the address for
> the www site.  Dose anyone have this address? If so could you
> send it to me at Td6560@[log in to unmask]  Thanks.
The NADB info is as follows --
   National Archaeological Database (NADB).
          A database initiated by the Archeological Assistance Division
          of the National Park Service and operated by the Center for
          Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST), University of Arkansas
          in cooperation with the Corps of Engineers. Contains over
          100,000 citations, primarily of unpublished literature. It is
          searchable not only by author and title, but by location and
          discpline. See also Section 8 below. The NADB web server was
          begun in September 1994.
... Taken from "Internet Resources for Heritage Conservation,
Archaeology, and Historic Preservation" in the Clearinghouse of
Subject-Oriented Resource Guides; and in the ICOMOS gopher and Web
server, as noted below.
Peter H. Stott                                       [log in to unmask]
Heritage Conservation                              [log in to unmask]
US ICOMOS / ICOMOS Canada                           [log in to unmask]