I have recently discovered a cistern behind my house.
Evidence indicates that it was probably constucted at
the same time as the dwelling - 1672. Having picked
1759 as the site interpretation date, what would an
appropriate structure look like at the cistern mouth?
It is presently level with the ground and capped with
a 3'x3' stone. The inner walls are granite fieldstone
with three courses of 17th century bricks just below
the gound level. The bricks are mortared with clay.
If the cistern is reopened, should it be examined for
artifacts and plant remnants, or left alone for future
archaeologists? My field of knowledge is in 17th and
18th century carpentry, and although I have received
training in archeology I could not do as propper an
analysis as a professional. All suggestions are welcome.
Thanks in advance,
Peter Honig
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