Hi all,
We at ArtNet are putting the finishing touches on our new web pages that will
be accessible REAL SOON, just as soon as I fix all the links my cohort Remo
messed up in a late-night fit of redesigning. I'm also in the process of
putting together a RESOURCES page with links to other sites that would be of
interest to the art public (not necessarily "art" sites either since artists
these days work with natural history, science, history...). I'm also putting
together a workshop on using the web for visual resou
rces for the Visual Resources Association conference in January in San Antonio
and am sifting through the possibilities for that. If you have a favorite "gem"
I'd like to know about it. Send them along to:
[log in to unmask]
Two very good ones I've found are the Peter Campus exhibit in the @art gallery
at UIUC (http:[log in to unmask]) and "Jesuits and the
Sciences, 1600-1800" (http://www.luc.edu/~scilib/jessci.html).
Robbin Murphy
Managing Editor, ArtNet
[log in to unmask] (new address coming REAL SOON!)