I'm wanting to build my address book to send some exciting and important
personal news directly to friends in the museum biz.  For that reason,
I respectfully request everybody's indulgence while I query those who can
give me e-mail addresses for the following institutions and people:
Strong Museum, G. Rollie Adams
Detroit Historical, Maud Lyon
Wright State University, Ed Haas
Louisiana State Museum, Tami Carboni
Elvehjem Art Museum, Lisa Calden (sp?)
Pennsylvania Historical, Wynn Lee
and at the University of Virginia, for anybody who can get me the students'
        e-mail system address processes
If any of you are on e-mail, I would appreciate your sending me your
addresses (directly to my personal box so that we won't clutter up museum-l).
To all the rest of you, my apologies....
Richard Perry
UC, San Diego
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