I don't know from the posting whether the "St Paul Flat Earth Society"
is a factual exhibit or a spoof or a true group of fringe crackpots.
 However, our Community Solar System is a fully developed education
program/exhibit.  It teaches one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented
concepts in astronomy, the relationship between size and distance
in our solar system, on a scale that is dramatic and attention getting.
 Basic content is presented on each of the bodies in the solar system,
and a full teachers' guide is available for class visits. Several
classes have visited the planets of the inner solar system (the outer
planets are too far), and we get out-of-state visitors just to see
the model.
Sheldon Schafer
Deputy Director, Science/Planetarium Director
Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences
Peoria, Il
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