On Wed, 19 Oct 1994, Cliff Quinn wrote:
> I am interested in setting up a listserv for Heritage Planners here in
> British COlumbia. Does anyone know of an existing list for heritage
> planners, or anything realted?
Cliff --
First try the HERITAGE list --
          This mailing list, begun in late December 1993, was initiated
          by Heritage Interpretation International in cooperation with
          Massey University in New Zealand. It is designed "for all
          interpreters, heritage managers, academics, and students
          interested in the interpretation and presentation of the
          world's heritage." To subscribe send the following message to
          [log in to unmask]:
          SUBSCRIBE HERITAGE your name
          Note the command and the list name are in capital letters.
(from "Internet Resource Guide for Heritage Conservation, Archaeology,
and Historic Preservation" -- http://hpb.hwc.ca:7002/Internet_Resource_
Peter H. Stott                               [log in to unmask]
Heritage Conservation                              [log in to unmask]
US ICOMOS / ICOMOS Canada                           [log in to unmask]