You must mean "The Mystery of Things."   ;> It is indeed an exhibit at
The Brooklyn Children's Museum. The person that worked there on this list
is actually yours truly-- I have relocated to San Jose, CA to take a
position at the Tech Museum of Innovation. I missed the original
question, but If you restate it or email me privately, I will be more
than happy to help. It is a terrific exhibit.
Craig Rosa
Exhibit Developer
The Tech Museum of Innovation
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On Tue, 11 Oct 1994, Eric Siegel wrote:
>           Is the Nature of Things the exhibit at the Brooklyn
>           Children's Museum? If so, I have some contacts there, (there
>           used to be someone online from there on this list) so I can
>           find out for you.>
>           Eric Siegel
>           [log in to unmask]