Mike, in addition to the suggestions already made (ALI-ABA and National
Archaeological Database), here are some titles which may help with your
inquiry about repatriation and other aspects of collections law:
Tabah, Agnes.  Native American Collections and Repatriation.
Washington:  American Association of Museums, c1993.
Greenfield, Jeanette.  The Return of Cultural Treasures.  Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Malaro, Marie C.  A Legal Primer on Managing Museum Collections.
Washington:  Smithsonian Institution Press, 1985.
Messenger, Phyllis Mauch, ed.  Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property:
Whose Culture?  Whose Property?  Albuquerque:  University of New Mexico
Press, c1989.
Price, H. Marcus III.  Disputing the Dead:  U.S. Law on Aboriginal
Remains and Grave Goods.  Columbia, MO:  University of Missouri Press,
There are also various "code of ethics" documents which relate to the
bases of collections law.
Hope this is of use.
John Pearce, Director
Center for Historic Preservation
Mary Washington College
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, VA 22401-5358
voice/voicemail:  703 899-4334
fax:  703 899-4123
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