In a recent posting you wrote:
> I think he should buy proceedings for the '95 meeting, join MCN to get
> SPECTRA, and be advised of the ftp site address and the gopher site (I
> did the latter).  NEC of the MCN does not have proceedings but we
> generally have the sessions videotaped and make these available to those
> who request them.  The Oct. meeting will be taped by NearNet and the tape
> will be available through NearNet.
How do I go about joining the MCN?  I have read a copy of SPECTRA a friend
gave me and am very interested in the organization.  I worked in the Newark
Museum, Newark NJ, for six years and am very interested in all aspects of
museum operation and curatorial functions.  My present position as computing
consultant to the Newark campus of Rutgers University has permitted me the
ability to consult on such matters to the Newark Museum from time to time.
One of my great interests is the implementation of computing in Museums.
As a member of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, I would like
to join  organizations such as the MCN if I am allowed.
I've requested the proceedings from the upcoming British Museum Conference:
"Imaging the Past: Electronic Imaging and Computer Graphics in Museums and
Archaeology" but was told that the proceedings would not be ready for about
two years.  Would I be able to get the proceedings from other museum
Conferences through the MCN?  What conference proceedings are presently
available through the MCN?
All assistance is greatly appreciated.
Warren Mayer
Rutgers University
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