>From 1978-1982 the ROM published a 5 volumes related to museum design:
<Mankind Discovering> Vol. 1: A plan for new galleries at the Royal
Ontario Museum; vol. 2: Evaluations - the basis for planning.
<In Search of the Black Box> A Report on the Proceedings of a Workshop on
Micro-climates Held at the Royal Ontario Museum, February 1978.
<Opportunities and Constraints>  The first report of the Exhibits
Communication Task Force, Royal Ontario Museum.
<The Royal Ontario Museum Statement of Principles and Policies on Ethics
and Conduct>
These may still be available from the Museum at 100 Queen's Park,
Toronto, Ontario  M5S 2C6
Jack C. Thompson
Thompson Conservation Lab
Portland, OR
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On Sat, 24 Sep 1994, Matthew Tyler-Jones wrote:
> I am trying to source a quote from a paper published by the Royal Ontario
> Museum about museum design. If anyone has any idea what the paper was
> called and where I might get hold of a copy, I would be very grateful.