Dear Mr Murphy,
If the advice sought was about your blank e-mail message, I would suspect
that you are having problems with your text editor -- I suspect this
because I was having identical problems not that long ago.
Make sure that you save your message before you exit the editor, then
leave the e-mail software to worry about sending it. If you do not save
the message, only the signature (your name) will be sent.
We use Demon Internet Ltd for our access, and they supply the shareware
editor TED which I find irritating to use. I replaced it with the EDIT
program that comes with MS-DOS 5.0 onwards, against the advice of Demon,
and have had trouble-free (although somewhat slow) e-mail ever since.
Hope this helps,
 Tony Gill                         e-mail: [log in to unmask]
 Technical Outreach Manager
 Museum Documentation Association
 Lincoln House, 347 Cherry Hinton Road,         Tel:    +44 223 242848
 Cambridge CB1 4DH, UK                          Fax:    +44 223 213575