Sorry about the cutoff there--I'm still new to this and accidentally hit
the wrong function key . . . . At any rate, to continue: the Winterthur
Program is jointly administered by the University of Delaware's History
Department and the Winterthur Museum (I don't have an address, but check
the AAM Directory); it draws students interested in the decorative arts
and, more broadly, in American material culture. The other graduate
program of potential interest to museum studies students is another
Winterthur venture, their Museum Conservation Program, which, if I'm not
mistaken, is jointly administered between Winterthur and the Art History
Department at Delaware. All of these programs offer fellowships ranging
from two to four years, including full tuition and a stipend. Also,
anyone who's interested in learning more about museum studies programs
generally should consult the directory of programs which is compiled
annually (or at least approximately so) by the Office of Museum Programs
at the Smithsonian. The best person to contact about this is Bruce
Craig, Manager, Professional Services Programs, OMP, Arts & Industries
2235 MRC 427, 1000 Jefferson Drive SW, Washington, DC 20560
(202-357-3148)--I don't have an e-mail address, but give Bruce a call.
The guide lists and gives current information on all MS programs in the
United States, along with many international programs (as a PS, anyone
who wants to update a listing should also send that information to
Bruce). ALSO as a PS--if you don't know about it already, the Museum
Reference Center at the Smithsonian is a first-rate storehouse of
information, not just on museum studies programs, but on all aspects of
museology. Contact OMP and ask for a copy of the flyer that describes
the Museum Reference Center's services. I'd be happy to answer any
questions I can about the Delaware programs--it's been quite some time since I
came through the Hagley Program and got a museum studies certificate, but I sti
ll maintain contacts there and would heartily recommend Delaware to anyone.