Here in Madison, WI, we used to have an artist couple living in what you might
call a "crunchy granola" (hippy/punk/vegetarian/pc) section of town,
(at least when I first moved here it was).  By the way, I'm using the
description not to make fun or pass judgement, but to give you a feel of what
the neighborhood is like.  Anyway, these two owned a house on the main drag
in this neighborhood, and little by little, art began to spill out of their
house and onto the lawn.  Thus was born the "Museum of Temporary Art".  Some of
the "things" were amazing! others just stupid.  Anyway, thats my contribution to
this discussion.  By the way, those two artists now live on a farm in rural WI
and are running sort of an artist colony, as it was described to me "an artistic
place to crash).
Bye.....Allison Smith
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