Museums in EU member states may be interested in the following
Call for Projects for the Production of Interactive Multimedia Programmes
Intended for Commercial Distribution on Compact Disc
An initiative taken by the Media Investment Club (of the European
Community's Media Programme)
Type of Programme: Any informative, educational or entertaining programme
which makes use in an original and creative way of CD-I and CD-ROM devices
through the interactive combination and manipulation of visual, textual
sound elements.
For further details, including instructions on how to submit applications,
         Danielle COGNEZ (ORTECH)
         11, rue Bergere
         75432 Paris Cedex 09 (France)
         Tel: (33/1) 45 23 08 16
         Fax: (33/1) 48 24 01 81
The closing date for projects is 1st October 1994, so there is plenty of
time to get more information. :)
 Tony Gill                              e-mail: [log in to unmask]
 Technical Outreach Manager
 Museum Documentation Association
 Lincoln House, 347 Cherry Hinton Road,     Tel:    +44 223 242848
 Cambridge CB1 4DH, UK                      Fax:    +44 223 213575