Hi All ---
        I dont get this silly controversy about compuserve vs.
the Internet vs. BBS's!  I am always inclined to let the cards
fall as they may on these issues.  Either people will pay for
the services and hopefully get a lot out of them or the
service will die a hopefully fast and painless death and we
can all get on with our lives.
        As it stands now, there are at least three listservers
dedicated to natural history issues (I will dig up the references
if people are interested).  There are numerous gophers, newsgroups
and Web servers that also cater to naturalist audiences.  So,
the Internet is already stocked with services that people might
find useful.
Twiddlin' My Thumbs,
Robert Guralnick   | Museum of Paleontology   | University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720 | [log in to unmask] | (510) 642-9696